Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters
Contact Program & Sailing
Director : Peter Bakewell
(02)4963 2008 Mob 0422 764 177
Proudly Sponsored by:
For Video Productions LMSC exclusively use the professional
services of : Lawrence Morrow Video Productions
THE 3C¹s(Communication & Cohesion = Confidence) Sailing to Success Program
Dedicated to Tim Langmead
The fundamental idea is that the discipline of sailing is a useful way to develop teamwork, leadership. And social and communication skills, which are so often important in dealing with life issues, such as decision making, conflict resolution and working with others.
The skills the young people learn here will be something they can use for the rest of their life. They will learn that sailing is a lot like life. If they don¹t work together as a team, then they're not going to get anywhere. Not only is sailing a healthy activity, it is fun.
The program is available to young people between the ages of 16 to 22 years who reside in or who have strong links with the Newcastle and Lower Hunter area.
The program will give up to 10 young people the opportunity to sail with youth workers and volunteers on "Margarita" a 58 foot luxury yacht with a racing pedigree including The Sydney to Hobart Race, Gosford to Lord Howe Race, Hamilton Island Series, Darwin to Ambon, Asia Pacific races and six years cruising the Mediterranean.
The pilot program will be conducted over 5 days from Thursday 17th. To Wednesday 30th. August 2006.on Yacht Margarita from Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Ada St. Belmont Ph. 4945 0022
PROGRAM STRUCRURE Program Dates & Times
Programs are of 5 days duration. The pilot program: 17th., 22nd., 24th., 29th., 30th., August 2006. Program 2: Wed 13th., Fr. 15th., Tues. 19th,. Wed. 20th., Thurs. 21st., Sept. 2006
Clothing & Other Personal Needs
All participants are to wear clothing that is warm and comfortable, allowing for freedom of movement Shoes that can get wet Clothing that can get wet & are suitable for the day's weather A change of clothing Hat Towel Drink bottle with cold water (dehydration ) Clothing (one more item worn on the boat than on land),Spray jackets, Straps for hats and sun glasses, Sun screen (sunburn), care of Jewellery - watches car keys wallets - mobile phones. -
Launches & Closures
A certificate of participation will be supplied to all participants at the closure of programs to acknowledge achievements and completion of the program.
THE CCC Sailing to Success Program Structure
Day 1 Introduction
Safety : As per briefing sheet Knots : figure of eight, bowline. Equipment : use of winches, jammers, cleats. Terminology : hull, masts, boom, forestay, sidestays (shrouds), mainsail, jib, sheets, bow, stern. stem, rudder, tiller.
Rigging : hoisting sails.
Wind Direction : points of sail
Basic Trim : tacking Packing Up : Debrief :
Day 2 Review previous lesson
Knots : round turn, reef knot
Terminology : windward, leeward, fore/aft, port/starboard
Rules : port/starboard, power/sail, windward/leeward, overtaking, turn to starboard Steering : bearing away, luffing up
Gybing Debrief
Day 3 Review previous lessons
Charts : basic features, compass rose, variation Bouyage : IALA
Compass ; bearing, steering Docking Debrief
Day 4 Review previous lesson
Point of Sail : sailing in triangles, squared, circles
Review all days
Day 5 Graduation & Closure Race Day "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, Teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." Antoine de Saint-Exupery THE 3C¹s (Communication & Cohesion = Confidence)
Introduction Developmental youth work is about participation, building connection, competence, character and confidence. The CCC sailing program is a developmental youth work program that focuses on youth who are disadvantaged or at risk of being marginalised.
It aims to extend personal boundaries and experiences in order to help these young people develop important life skills and build their self-esteem, and at the same time break down the barriers that often exist between these young people, adults and mainstream society. This innovative program is a joint initiative of Wesley Newcastle Youth Service and Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters.
Confidence building and giving the participating young people life skills is a fundamental aim of the program. Over the five days of the program we will see the young people grow with confidence, make new friends, take up leadership roles and work together as teams. This is the first time such a project has been initiated in this manner in Newcastle and it is about business and communities working together for our youth.
The fundamental idea is that the discipline of sailing is a useful way to develop teamwork, leadership, and social and communication skills, which are so often important in dealing with life issues, such as decision making, conflict resolution and working with others. The skills the young people learn here will be something they can use for the rest of their life. They will learn that sailing is a lot like life. If they don¹t work together as a team, then they¹re not going to get anywhere.
Program goals include promoting social and cognitive competencies, increasing confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, encouraging connections to other people and communities, developing character through increasing self-control and morality, and fostering caring and compassion.
The program¹s environment will encourage the development of supportive relationships with others, empower youth, communicate expectations for positive behaviour, and enable opportunities for recognition.
Program activities include opportunities for skill development, engaging in real and challenging activities, broadening horizons, and increasing available supports. Skills including problem-solving, decision-making, planning and goal-setting have been identified as indicators of cognitive competency and therefore contribute to the objectives of youth development (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2003).
These same skills have been identified as individual protective factors that contribute to positive adaptation associated with resilience. Finally, the program seeks to develop opportunities to enable young people to develop positive relationships with partners and corporate sponsors such as Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters, the Newcastle Jets and Companion Credit Union. Young people are encouraged to work with staff and partners in relation to sponsorship which can contribute to the development of positive relationships with other adults and organisations and provide them access to professional skills and resources.
Partners and sponsors will establish positive interaction with young people that will foster hope and life changing behaviors. In particular, Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters sailing instructors and Jets players can provide a mentoring and coaching role in the areas that they are skilled i.e. teamwork, cohesion, communication and leadership. Not only is sailing a healthy activity, it is fun. The program will be available to young people between the ages of 16 and 22 years who reside in or have strong links with the Newcastle and Lower Hunter area.
The program will give up to 10 young people the opportunity to sail with professional sailors, youth workers, sponsors and volunteers in the Margarita, a 58 foot luxury yacht with a racing pedigree including the Sydney to Hobart Race, Gosford to Lord Howe Race, Hamilton Island Series, Darwin to Ambon, Asia Pacific races and six years cruising the Mediterranean. The pilot program will be conducted over 5 days from Thursday 17th to Wednesday 30th August 2006.
Program structure Participants The program is open to young people who are active clients of Wesley Newcastle Youth Service and Wesley Newcastle City Mission Job Placement & Employment Training (JPET)
Rules All participants, including young people, facilitators and sponsors, must: o contribute to the values and aims of the program o operate within the duty of care guidelines of Wesley Newcastle City Mission o comply with the appropriate activity risk management/supervision guidelines of Wesley Newcastle City Mission
Evaluation The program team is committed to the process of continuous evaluation. Feedback on all aspects of the program is welcome at all times. Please refer to the contact list for ways to contact program staff. Participants will complete a self-rating exercise at the start of the each program in order to establish benchmark information. At intervals throughout the program, follow-up evaluation surveys for participants will allow staff to measure its success.
Launches and closures The service encourages functions celebrating the launch and closure of programs. Guidelines for launches and closures will be included in future programs. A Certificate of Participation will be supplied to all participants at the closure of programs to acknowledge achievements and completion of the program.
Planned approach to personal development aims Programs need a planned approach to the development of the personal skills of participants. By working with young people, specific personal development elements can be identified to enable programs to use these as the starting point for program development. Hence, personal development is not left to chance. The following framework will be used to assist in this process.
1. Personal development objective
- Specific personal development outcomes for young people are identified.
2. Methodology
- The experiential activity available to young people that supports the personal development objective is identified.
3. Facilitation
- The appropriate activity facilitators are sourced to support young people¹s personal skills development in addition to their technical skills.
4. Intensity of experience
- The level or intensity of the experience is determined suitable to the young people¹s comfort level and the intended developmental outcome.
5. Explicit discussion
- Briefing, reflection and debriefing sessions focused on the personal development outcome are held. (For example, identifying teamwork concepts prior to the activity, reflecting on the achievement of them during the experience and debriefing and celebrating achievements afterwards.) Personal skills development may also be extended through specialised modules or training on leadership, conflict resolution etc. delivered through a variety of learning methods.
Sailing Charters (02)4963 2008 - 0422 764 177
THE 3C¹s(Communication & Cohesion = Confidence) Sailing to Success Program REVIEW OF PROGRAM -
Questions which cover teamwork, leadership, and social and communication During the time on Margarita how did you rate yourself in the following areas? (circle one)
My ability to communicate with others
Excellent very good good fair poor
My ability to help
Excellent very good good fair poor
My listening skills
Excellent very good good fair poor
Excellent very good good fair poor
Solve conflicts
Excellent very good good fair poor
Excellent very good good fair poor
The way you get along with the leaders
Excellent very good good fair poor
The way you get along with everyone
Excellent very good good fair poor
Your attitude
Excellent very good good fair poor
What were some of the surprising things you have learned? What did you like most like least Would you recommend this program to others? Other comments and suggestions
Charity Programs: Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters has continual community involvement. Developing a Sailing & Life skills Program, for disadvantaged youth. 5x8hr sessions twice per month. Click on Wesley Mission News & Sponsorship. Get involved in your Community.
Sponsorship Proposal for the
Sailing for Success Program, for youth at risk.
About our Youth Sailing Program
Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters & Lake Macquarie Adolescent Support in conjunction with Hunter Youth 2020 Youth Sailing Program.
The aim of this program is to introduce students to the enjoyment of sailing and explore the need for team work, communication, social, and leadership skills all of which are vital to both sailing and dealing with life issues, such as decision making, conflict resolution and working with others. The 3C’s (Communication & Cohesion = Confidence) are key principles of this program.
- Develop supportive relationships and recognise personal strengths
- Extend personal boundaries and experiences
- Enhance self-confidence and self-esteem
- Understand effective and polite communication.
- Work as part of an effective team
- Explore conflict resolution skills
- Understand responsibility and consequences
- Increase preparation and planning skills
- Develop sailing skills
- Learn speechmaking and presentation skills.
Why is the Sailing for Success Program so successful?
If there was only one word to describe why the program works
it would be : imagination.
Their imagination drives them. It’s what drives all of us.
“Imagination compels the whole body to obey it.” Aristotle
“Everything is created at least twice, once in your imagination.” Plato
A changing of a truth only occurs when a new truth has more possibilities.
We are asked the same question by every person on the program:
“Where has the yacht been? Has it been to Greece?” “Why?” “Because I sailed there in my dream”.
All significant changes come from the power of imagination.
Overcoming fear is overcoming a preconceived image.
About the Yacht
The yacht “Margarita” is the largest commercial sailing vessel in Lake Macquarie, with a length of 17.5m and a mast height of 22m. “Margarita” is utilized extensively in charity work, corporate charters and race days, team building, conferencing and private functions. Over the past five years “Margarita” has been involved in helping disadvantaged youth
through our Youth Sailing Program
What’s happening now?
Currently our programming is with Lake Macquarie Adolescent Support (LMAS West Wallsend). We have completed the first of a series of programs. If we receive sponsorship, we would like to run 6 programs so that all of the young people at LMAS can participate. Each program runs 2days a week for 4 weeks, culminating in a race day at LMYC and a presentation night.
Youth Sailing Program Staff/Participants
Peter Bakewell B.A (Vis Arts)Dip Ed
Sail Trainer, Master Class 5 Med 3, 42years sailing.( 10 years professional) . Founding member of Hunter Youth 20/20
Brian Allen B.A(Vis Arts) Dip Ed
Sail Trainer, 51 years sailing. Founding member of Hunter Youth 20/20
30 years high school teaching experience.
Sam McLoughlin .BA(Econ) Dip Ed MA
Admin Professional Management Consultant specialising in Leadership and Teamwork Development.
Newcastle Youth Service (NYS)
Michael Wright. Ph 49622188 mob 0402975941
NYS have placed youth at risk with our program since 2005 with exceptional results.
Lake Macquarie Adolescent Support (LMAS)
Ruth Chalker Ph 49552955
LMAS first program in 2007.
Hunter Youth 2020
Dawn McLoughlin (President) mob 0418163238
Lake Macquarie Yacht Club( LMYC)
Brett Burgess (Manager) 49450022
Youth Sailing Program Sponsorship.
Sponsor a single four week program for 4 to 6 youth. $3200
- includes 1m x .6m Sponsors Logo/name on both sides of yacht.
- artwork and logo at sponsors cost.
- Option to attend presentation night and part of the program.
Sponsor the season of Six Programs $19,200
- Naming rights of the program.
- Logo on mainsail.
- Name on both sides of yacht.
- Battle flag Logo
- Links to Web and naming on the web.
- complimentary corporate sail day. (Team build or social event)
Michael Wright | Youth Worker & Coordinator, Hunter & Central Coast Youth Services | Wesley Mission | 1st Floor, 14 Wood Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302 | Postal Address: PO Box 2008 Dangar 2309 | Telephone: 4962 2188 | Mobile: 0402 975 941
The Sailing for Success program aboard The Margarita is a unique, challenging and inspirational experience for the young people that participate, and one which gives these disadvantaged young people skills for life.
Teamwork, communication, leadership.
These are the skills that the program teaches to young people, and what is learned onboard over the 5 days of the program creates a strong sense of community responsibility amongst members of the youth crew and translates to outstanding advantages in everyday life.
The program began in 2006 when Peter and Brian from Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters partnered with Wesley Mission and in the years since then over 60 young people have been provided with these challenging and empowering training programs.
Should you decide to sponsor the program, your support will give young disadvantaged Australians skills that will last a lifetime.
Ruth Chalker (Head Teacher)
Lake Macquarie Adolescent Support
C/- West Wallsend High School
2 Appletree Road West Wallsend NSW 2286
Pn (02) 49552955
Fax (02) 552954
Regarding the Sailing for Success Program
Upon completion of our first round of the Sailing for Success program, I wanted to highlight to you the exceptional outcomes that students have achieved.
The students find their time aboard The Margarita to be one which they will remember for the rest of their lives. It is challenging emotionally, physically and intellectually, but they generally rise to these challenges and consequently develop skills for life.
Participation in this program specifically develops teamwork, communication and leadership skills, all of which are invaluable in the workplace. Our students are particularly vulnerable when it comes to developing Employability skills, they are among those most likely to be forever dependent on the welfare system, so, any program which helps them avoid this trap is of enormous benefit.
Many of our students are estranged from their community (due to having changed address frequently) and therefore have not developed a sense of belonging or responsibility towards a community. The program enables them to develop respect for the sailing community and the larger Lake Macquarie community as a result.
Our first program with Peter and Brian from Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters ran in 2007 – it had just finished when I became head Teacher. We have wanted to get the program up and running again ever since. Past students still identify very strongly with their “crew” and with Peter and Brian.
I hope that Allambi Youth Services will consider accessing the challenging and empowering training offered by the Sailing for Success Program.
Mrs. Ruth Chalker
Head Teacher
“The sailing program changed my life. It has taught me not only how to sail, but also life skills, teamwork, and about myself.. that I can take into the real world. Peter has been a big influence in my life, and a big help.”
Jayden Kirk (19 years old) participant, 2007
Broker – Profiler – Facilitator
The vision of Hunter Youth 2020 is to assist non-profit community organizations in delivering support to youth in crisis in the Hunter and surroundings areas.
We embrace the principle of non-discrimination, understanding, compassion, diversity and acceptance.
Our goal is to be a leader supporting approved programs for Hunter Youth by 2020.
Capability Statement
Hunter Youth 2020 brings together a community group of like-minded individuals who through their respective networks and skill sets can deliver outstanding service to youth in the Hunter.
Partnering with our community, council, business, corporate, government and individuals, the group offers experts in the field of commerce, charitable institutions, communications and public relations, human resources, education, mining and social services.
Service Focus
We respond to the changing needs of young people in crisis or at risk in our community.
Hunter Youth 2020 supports programs that are designed to address the key areas of:
Homelessness – we acknowledge that youth find it extremely difficult to make good choices in the absence of secure housing. The programs we support seek to address this by providing accommodation on a crisis basis.
Education, Mentoring & Life skills – Our belief is that education, whether it be in a formal setting or an informal one, is the key to self
development. Through education programs, mentoring and life skills we seek to address the challenges that youth face.
Kindest Regards
Peter Bakewell
Lake Macquarie Sailing Charters
Ph: 02 49632008
Mob: 0422764177 |